The Vila Galé Collection Palácio dos Arcos hotel reserved the friday for an evening dedicated to poetry. Always starting at 7:45 pm with a welcome drink at the Bar Fidelio, it is followed by dinner with an exclusive menu and also by the recital of poems in the Fernando Pessoa hall. The actor Eurico Lopes will be the resident reciter, but the diners will also be able to participate with poems of their own or of other authors.
The price of this dinner is €35 per adult and it includes an appetizer, main course, dessert and Santa Vitória wines. Children up to the age of 12 have a 50% discount. Booking is required - by calling the mobile number (+351) 965 014 511 or by email to – and parking in the hotel park is free of charge.
Price: €35
Availability: Friday
Where: Vila Galé Collection Palácio dos Arcos